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How is WTG Part of the Solution?

Marin Lucic
September 9, 2024

The World Technology Games (WTG) is not just a celebration of technological innovation but a proactive movement addressing global challenges through technology. This is how is how WTG is tackling some of the most pressing issues of our time:


WTG features a series of competitions that showcase the latest science and technology advancements and innovations in a compelling and engaging format.. Competitions such as the Indy Autonomous Challenge highlight the ingenuity driving innovation in autonomous vehicle technology, pushing the boundaries of what these technologies can achieve. By framing competitions such as these within a technological and scientific context, WTG not only entertains but also educates the public about the potential and implications of these innovations.


The WTG Summit brings together thought leaders, innovators, and policymakers to discuss and strategize on the future of technology, its ethical implications, and its societal impact. This summit serves as a melting pot of ideas, fostering discussions that shape the future policies and directions of technology.

Topics at the summit range from the ethical use of AI and data privacy to the role of technology in addressing climate change and enhancing global health. By providing a platform for these crucial conversations, WTG ensures that thoughtful, inclusive, and forward-thinking policies guide technological advancements.


The WTG Festival is an immersive experience that celebrates technology through interactive product showcases, workshops, live music, and art galleries. This festival makes technology accessible and enjoyable for people of all ages and backgrounds, emphasizing the practical benefits and joys of technological engagement.

From virtual-reality and 3D-printed art installations to hands-on exhibits that showcase the future of technological innovation, the festival is designed to educate and inspire. WTG fosters a culture of curiosity and innovation by demystifying technology and making it fun and engaging.

‘Gen T’ – The Technology Generation

Gen T is not just WTG’s core audience; it’s a 613 million-strong global community aligned with WTG’s mission to solve global challenges. This digitally savvy and highly educated group represents the next generation of decision-makers, innovators, and tech leaders who will shape the future. By engaging Gen T through competitions, the summit, and the festival, WTG channels their energy towards tackling pressing issues like the climate crisis, the future of work, and ethical AI​​. Gen T’s drive for innovation aligns with WTG’s vision of leveraging technology for the greater good, fostering collaboration that moves beyond entertainment to impactful, real-world solutions​​. Through this synergy with Gen T, WTG celebrates human ingenuity by providing a platform for young tech visionaries to showcase their creativity and contribute to a better future for all​.




